Last week's batch of pineapple tarts resulted in too much batter and insufficient jam quantities. Buoyed by my success of first time jam, I decided to go for a double batch of jam, using one large tin of crushed pineapple instead of one small tin of diced pineapple.

This was a mistake! The jam started simmering away happily, then took one million trillion years to reduce, and then started burning to the base! The end result was a very strong pineapple jam, in the wrong colour, and of copious quantities! It was perfectly serviceable for experimenting, but I would probably not serve it to anyone!
The purpose of part two was to see if I could make this batch free from gluten.

I would judge this as moderate success - the flavour of the pastry was a bit milder than I would ideally like it, and it didn't need as long in baking (the end result with the same baking time is a little stiff, clearly over cooked). The pastry goes stale after one day, but I was expecting that. Overall, however, I think I am foreseeing success in my gf pineapple tart future.
I have tried pineapple jam before and it was hard to do - my mum said something about all the acid in it but I can't remember what - makes it difficult.
re the pastry, I love using soy flour in my gf baking - I remember a long time ago being told that it add richness to the mix - just a thought for next time
Ooh, thanks johanna, I will try adding some soy flour to the next batch!
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