Sunday, 19 October 2008

nasi goreng - modifications

nasi goreng

I don't eat nasi goreng anywhere near as often as I would like to, because we usually eat up all the rice before it becomes old enough to goreng. Had it recently, though, because I knew I'd be home late the next day so I cooked an extra two cups to ensure nasi goreng the next day! I am so pleased with myself, I think I'll be using this trick more often.

I got home from my German class to find D in the kitchen prepping the vegies, and there was a sanitarium vegie hot dog on the chopping board, it having been sliced into tiny circles. It was an interesting variation, it added a not-unwelcome hotdog flavour, though it is probably not a variation we'll add very often. Other variations of recent: diced eggplant, slices of tempeh.

Speaking of tempeh, I made five-spice tempeh and it was just like I remembered from our five-spice chicken days, so much so that D accidentally said, "I'm going to get more chicken." Recipe eventually, but no photos yet so you'll have to wait.

You can find my standard nasi goreng recipe here.

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