I ordered a chickpea burger, and D ordered the vegan burger with a salad. The burgers were great, though I wish the menu had mentioned that the chickpea burger came with beetroot, so I could have asked for it without. The vegan burger is really juicy and tasty. The salad was a bit odd, it had a flavour that I found quite displeasing, so I didn't steal too much of D's salad.
D says the tropical juice (freshly squeezed) was perfect, containing pineapple, coconut and orange. I ordered a chocolate smoothie, which was a bit watery - I thought there would be icecream in it, though D argues icecream is not a given in smoothies, an argument I protest, surely milkshakes are no icecream and smoothies are icecream or yoghurt...
Took a piece of chocolate and beetroot cake home for later nomming. The cake was not too rich, and it was tasty. They also do gluten-free cakes.
All up came to $45, a little pricy for a Monday lunch (the small juice was $4.00!) but about expected for an organic eatery. Overall it was a good lunch! My Perth friends can expect an invitation to a day trip up the hill for lunch, followed by Junction Icecream, in the near (though warmer) future.
Soul Tree Cafe
Shop 6/3-5 Railway Parade
Glen Forrest
Looks like a nice lunch! I always forget how exy organic places can be but it's usually worth it if it's an occasional treat :)
Also I am glad you commented on my choc melting moments, they were definitely bitter but I thought it was the different brand of cocoa I used and the quinoa flour. I tend to prefer vanilla things when baking but my bf asked for the chocolate ones so I will deffo make the vanilla ones next!
No beetroot??? Nooooooo! That is sacrilege and defilement of any burger, omni or vegan! ;p
Good thing to get away over the hideous Cup though. I wish I'd boycotted Melbourne altogether!
Miss T
I love going up to Soul Tree, it's nice and earthy. The vegan dishes are good and they do raw vegan dishes too if requested in advance.
Miss T, I am defying you like a defying thing. :o)
Hi Kate, It was my first visit up to Soul Tree and I was very pleased. I definitely want to get up there again soon, and the idea of raw sounds pretty good! So long as it's not salad.
I am blessed to live only a five minutes walk from Soul Tree in Glen Forrest. My mate and I bought the potato salad and a Steaz energy drink each one day. The potato salad was the yummiest I've ever had! Garnished with herbs and deliciosly creamy. And Steaz is always a great natural energy buzz. We then baught some Blue Lotus egyptian flowers and steeped as tea at home. For only $16 a bag it lasts a long time and the effects are a smooth and mellow feeling, great for meditation. It really gets your chi flowing. Another good thing to try is Mugwort, or Passionlower... And the many other natural herbs and teas available.
nice tex i mite go hav a look 1 day, i bin havin lotus and salvia for years and all these herbs r great . soul tree i hear is a lot cheaper than off ya tree and joynt ventr but im in basso so yeh . mite chek it out , mite c yas dere .
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