Wednesday, 20 January 2010

delicious fruit salad

A couple of weeks ago our good friends J + DB came over for dinner! Asked if they could bring anything, I answered, as I often do, with, "dessert, if you like!"

And they did!

fruit salad

I usually make a pretty plain fruit salad, with whatever I have on hand (preferably with lots of watermelon and oranges), so it was awesome to eat a fruit salad that was all exciting flavours and things I rarely eat!

The highlight of this fruit salad, for me, was the pomegranates. I'd not previously eaten one, and it was exciting to eat such a fun fruit! This salad also contained orange pieces, mint, lychees stuffed with crystalised ginger, and perhaps some mango.

It was delicious!


  1. It looks delicious. Pomegranate makes such a beautiful addition to fruit salad.

  2. I was not aware that you had not eaten pomegranates before. They are pretty awesome!!! I haven't had lychees for YONKS.

  3. Pomegranate was a great addition!

    Elaran, I had never eaten them and was pretty excited about it! And I love lychees A LOT, so I was excited to nom them, too.
