Wednesday, 3 June 2009

pumpkin and sweet potato filo parcels

Back in March, we attended a wedding dinner at the Hilton and had a very delicious sweet potato filo parcel, which we long thought about replicating.

I put it off and put it off, and I got home from class one night and there were these delicious parcels, waiting for me!

pumpkin and sweet potato filo pastry

pumpkin and sweet potato filo parcels

five long sheets of filo pastry
1 sweet potato
half a small butternut pumpkin
a few shakes each of ground cumin, dried rosemary, and dried basil

Peel and dice the pumpkin and sweet potato, removing the pumpkin seeds. Boil, with the rosemary and basil, until soft, and then mash, mixing in the cumin.
Cut the length of filo in half, across the long edge, and brush (with milk or oil) and layer into two piles of pastry. Divide the sweet potato/pumpkin mixture evenly between the piles, and wrap. Brush each parcel with oil or milk, and bake in the oven at 180C for about 30 minutes, or until golden.

Goes great with a salad or something.


  1. Oh wow! These will definitely be making an appearance here soon!

  2. Wow, these sound so easy to throw together!

  3. Vegetation: yay!

    Mihl, yeah, they're quite easy and quite tasty, too!

  4. mmm go to the wild fig, their "straight from the vege patch" filo is incredible!
