Monday, 11 February 2013

into the new year

water dragon, claire tracey, 2012 
dragon made of water bottles!
恭喜发财!新年快乐!etc etc

hope the nian was scared away and you got lots of oranges and noodles and good wishes and little sacks of gold (ie, dumplings). i had a dumpling party and failed to take any photos, except of me pulling faces with my decorations, but hayley brought tofu pancakes and catherine made saffron bread shaped like a snake, and everybody wore red and at 1am i called my mother whose reunion party (3 hours behind) was still going, and i had a lovely time.

dumplings are super easy to make, you should make them always

i hope your year is prosperous and golden

and full of noodles

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for inviting me! I really enjoyed the evening and the food!
