Wednesday, 8 September 2010

reloving vctotw with almond cupcakes

So, it turns out I really like baking.

And one afternoon I was cruising about the Australian vegan blogosphere and came across ML at Drossolaila baking the apricot glazed almond cupcakes from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World, and I thought about them constantly for a couple of days. I think it was the photo, which tells you the importance of good photography!

So when I was inspired to do some baking a few days later, I knew exactly what I wanted to bake.

almond cupcakes from vctotw

These were good! Not too difficult to make, though I had trouble with an ingredient or two and had to make substitutions. They held up to the ravages of time, and were still tasty three days later, which I like in a cupcake. And they looked cute! It didn't make as much batter as I thought it would, and they were very sweet, but I liked them. And it was nice to come back to VCTOTW, which I avoid for long stretches of time between failures or disappointments, and have something nice.

Maybe I will add dried apricot pieces to the batter next time, though that might make it over-apricoty.

They're in green pattycake papers because I baked them the day before the federal election, and I had hopes for the Australian Greens.

A++, would make again!


  1. They look very tasty and now I will possibly be thinking about them for days! I love a good muffin recipe. Also, I like your greens patty case idea :D I'm sure bob brown would like it too!

  2. Not enough baked goods use deliciosu tangy apricots!! Thanks for the recommendation and the link - once I've finished all my vegan caraway cake and apple cookies I'll definitely be giving these a try :)

  3. Every time I've made cupcakes from VCTOTW I have always ended up with less batter than they tell me I will. I've never filled more than about 9 cupcake cases each time. Are American measurements slightly bigger, maybe?

    In other news they look goooooooood

  4. @vegiebug thanks! they were very tasty! i am sure bob brown would recommend them, too. :o)

    @hannah i LOVE apricots in baked things, i wish they were more frequent!

    @fiona yeah, my results with vctotw are always mixed. i am pretty sure that usa measurements are different from australian measurements, but i cannot find evidence on the internets! how can you believe my claim with no references?

  5. well I can input that I know American measures ARE different to ours! I think the biggest difference is the Tablespoon though :D
