Wednesday, 7 July 2010

cheese and spinach rolls

cheeze and spinach sausage rolls (and triangles)

I had been thinking about these cheese and spinach rolls about which Carla posted. So I made them! They were super easy, and super delicious, though next time I think I might reduce the spinach just a tad. For reference, I used about 300g of tofu, which is about half a pack.

Also I skipped the food processor - I found it easier to mix by hand.

I made these as a mixture of triangles and rolls.


  1. wow they look SUPER YUMMY!!!!!!!!

  2. Wah-ha-hoo!! Those look gooood. I think my boyfriend would dig them.

    Just found your blog, I really like it! We should swap links!

  3. Thanks for the recipe, Carla! It was awesome!

    Hi, Kitchen Witch! Nice blog. :o)
