Friday, 23 October 2009

Perth Events

That's right, awesome things in Perth when I'm not around to enjoy them. WHATEVER, PERTH. (call me)

There's a new shop opening in Freo, Cruelty Free WA Shop. Cruelty Free WA provides cruelty free, environmentally friendly products made with no animal products and no animal testing. Their grand opening is tomorrow, Saturday 24th October, and if you go along there are free taste testings and 10% off all items in store. PROBABLY AWESOME? They're at 28A Queen St in Freo (across from the Juicy Beetroot).

World Vegan Day is Sunday 1st November. I'm super excited about being in Melboure and getting to go to Abbotsford for the event, but there is also a World Vegan Day Picnic being held in Perth! It's 12-4, at Sir James Mitchell Park (which is in South Perth).

Also on the 1st of November, is a Vegan Food Basics Workshop, being held at Earthwise in Subiaco. You can click the link for more details.

1 comment:

  1. Rachel, did you get down to the shop? I hope it's good!
