Friday, 4 September 2009

(not that) sticky tofu

I used to be very consistent with writing up recipes immediately, even if I didn't post them straight away. This worked as a reminder for me: I would see the recipe in my document, and remember to post it; and it would mean that it would be correct for any readers who were attempting to follow my ramblings. Writing a blog has forced me to think a lot more about my cooking, I've always been a throw things in and throw things there sort of cook (I was reading another Malaysian-in-Australia blogger today who suggested this was the SEAsian way), and codifying my technique has lead me to learn a lot about myself as a cook.

I forgot to write this one down, and since I can't taste it as I type, you'll just have to hope my measurements are correct (I'm pretty sure that they are).

This dish is a veganised version of something my mum used to make all the time, and something that D used to love a lot. Lee Kum Kee has this great sauce, but it's not vegan, so some modification was required. So it's not that sticky tofu, not the same as my mum made, but it's close, and I like it.

(not that)sticky tofu with rice and bok choy

(not that) sticky tofu

5 or 6 tbl dark soy sauce
5 or 6 tbl of light soy sauce
2 tbl vegetarian oyster sauce
1 tbl golden syrup
1 tsp sugar
1 garlic clove (minced)
1 small piece of ginger (minced)
1 tbl tomato sauce
1 block of firm tofu

Combine all ingredients except the tofu. Mix until well combined. Drain the tofu, and sit on a clean tea towel or some paper towel to soak out some of the water. After some of the liquid has been patted out, slice the tofu into "steaks," of about 2x15x5cm. Coat in the marinade, and leave to marinate for half an hour to an hour.

After marinating, place the on a baking tray. Thickly brush the tofu with some of the remaining marinade. As you will need to do this twice more, you may need to make more of the marinade (depending on how much the tofu soaked up). Bake at 200C for about 45 minutes, removing to turn and thickly brush every fifteen minutes.

Allow to cool slightly, and serve.


  1. love the dark stickiness of this tofu - I tend to write recipes soon after I make them or I just don't have a clue when I blog them - but it does help reflecting on cooking and learning as you go

  2. I sometimes forget them too, which is the other reason to write it down!

    The dark stickiness of this tofu is what makes the flavour quite good.

  3. That looks like "Tau Yu Bak", Steph.

    I followed my mum. She always say, "Ka Kee Agak Agak". That means, use your own judgement. Since then I have never measure anything, but adjust the flavouring to my own taste. That makes cooking more fun. So, I hope readers in my blog, like yours, would only use the measurement as a guide. It is hard to write down exact measurement during preparation and cooking. I think it is the same with most recipe and cooking book, the measurement is never accurate because we all have our own individual taste.

  4. I try to measure only if I'm going to be telling someone how to cook it, but only because I know how annoying "add until it looks good" can be for people who are not used to cooking this way.

    This is why when I was learning how to cook, I had to learn by watching my mum, not asking her, because she never knows how much she uses until she is doing it!

  5. WOW that is some BLACK tofu! I've never seen anything like it!

  6. that is the tastiest looking dish i've seen in a long while. numnumnum!
