Sunday, 26 July 2009

birthday chocolate haul

It was my birthday a couple of weeks ago, and I received a whole lot of chocolate. My parents gave me this awesome chocolate-coated oranges, which we nommed straight away.

orange bliss

Sheebaface picked up these from PAWS, I look forward to future nomming.

chocolate and a mango chutney

Vegetus brought these raw chocolates back from the UK. I tried the Mint Conscious Chocolate this afternoon, and it was awesome. I love raw chocolate! And the bag it is on says 'Secret Society of Vegans.'

delicious raw chocolate


  1. Ooh, yum! Happy belated birthday!

  2. Oooh - from the Secret Society of Vegans shop in Camden Town! Neat! That's Sarah Kramer's shop!

  3. Actually SSOV was started to help support the wonderful Pogo's Cafe and now operates independently. They do stock alot of Sarah Kramer's goods amoungst other things (like Vegetarian Shoes, vegan condoms and Chunkies), but it isn't "her shop".

  4. Yum, I love that organic vegan alternative to milk chocolate bar so much I ate the whole thing in one go the other day!

  5. Happy B'day for a few weeks ago! And lucky you for receiving all that chocolate!
