Tuesday, 28 July 2009

and it comes around

This blog was born out of a combination of my love of food, and my love of this city, and the "perth has nothing" meme to which most everyone subscribes at some point.

I still love this city, and I still love food, and people still subscribe to this meme. I don't intend to stop blogging about awesome vegan food and products in Perth but, at least for a little while, the Perth-blogging is going to be a bit less.

Later this evening D and I are getting on a plane to Melbourne, and we're going to be veganing around a different town for a while. Like, the movers emptied our house and put it in a c-tainer to transport sort of a while.


  1. but.. but.... I just found out Duende in Leederville have AMAZING vegan tapas!

    Oh well- something to look forward to when next eating out in Perth? :)

    I recommend. 100%. So good.

  2. Good luck with the Melbourne move.

    i have visited Melbourne a couple of times. As you probably know, it is a very veg friendly city. i love it and would move there if only the weather was a bit more warm and consistent.

    I shall just have to live vicariously through you and the other Melbourne bloggers!

  3. Welcome! It will be great to have another vegan around. Will have to get you to come to another vegan potluck once your all settled of course.

  4. Oh Eloise, I desperately want to try the vegan tapas! Curses! *makes notes for October*

    Thanks, BrisVegan. I am pretty excited about all the vegan outings in my future.

    Hi Kristy! I look forward to future potlucks. :o)

  5. good luck with the move - I am biased but I think Melbourne is a wonderful foodie city and wish you much yummy blogging here!

  6. Lucky,lucky you!! Are you moving to Melbourne permanently?

  7. I know by now now you're in melbourne but i am visiting my mum in perth in a few weeks time and just starting to realise it might not be as easy to find vegan places to eat as i had thought (i am spoilt here in london), if you could recommend any i would be v.grateful :) i would have send this as a message but i don't know how (i am pretty computer illiterate). anyway thanks and sorry for such a long comment xx

  8. @pip gray, if you check out my WA tag you can find all the Perth recs I've done. :o) if you let me know where you're staying I can give you specific new recs? I am also going to Perth in a few weeks to see my mum!
