Tuesday, 24 February 2009


vegan lamingtons

After the success of lamington cupcakes, I thought I would turn my hand to actual lamingtons to take to a picnic. After spending the early evening at the Cap S, and a late night visit to Planet Books before walking home, late Friday night I prepared the sponge, using the same recipe as previous, and pouring it into a square pan greased with nuttelex. I also put down some baking paper across the bottom. I left the sponge to cool overnight, covered by a clean tea towel.

Early Saturday morning, before I wandered in to Northbridge for my Chinese class, I sliced the sponge into sixteen squares, and prepared the chocolate dip. Rather than the spread I used for the cupcakes, this time I made a very watery concoction, definitely something one could describe as a liquid rather than icing. I’m not sure of the exact proportions, but it was something like two cups of icing sugar, four teaspoons of cocoa, and a quarter(ish) of a cup of hot water. More chocolate water than chocolate icing, definitely. Again, I left each lamington to soak for several seconds, coating well each side in chocolate, before dipping into the bed of coconut.

This recipe is not yet perfect, but it is definitely adequate for those vegans longing for lamingtons, and I (and D, and our friend Simon) were quite happy to nom several on Saturday afternoon.


  1. your lamo's look perfectly delicious to me! :)

  2. LAMINGTONS! (Sorry I got excited. I LOVE lamingtons and yours look wonderful!)

  3. Looks awesome and yummy... one of my British friends has started making them due to the influx of Aussies in her life.

  4. I am not familiar with Lamingtons, but I want some now, they look so tasty!

  5. yum! they look so tasty!

  6. angie, they were pretty delicious!

    vegetation, make some! i am sure your family would love them. :o)

    moonbug, how fortuitous for you!

    mihl, lamingtons are a super delicious aussie snack made of sponge cake, dipped in chocolate syrup and coated in coconut. they are a standard in school playgrounds (and at school fetes), and they are DELICIOUS.

    ŀĀŘ¡ŝ∫Á, i think the secret is the chocolate plus coconut. can't go wrong!

  7. lamingtons are gorgeousness! i loved making the mess of mine, so satisfying and delicious and easily-pleasing to my foreign friends!!

  8. I love how pleasing they are to everyone! I can't wait to make it for everyone. :o)

  9. I thought the lamingtons were great! I just made them for ANZAC day. Now, I had never had a lamington, so I have nothing to compare it with, but I thought it was great. Everyone raved about them. They said that usually the sponge cake in lamingtons is too dry, but for this one it was all soft and moist. Oh, soft tofu, how I love thee...
