Thursday, 19 February 2009

black bottom blondies from my sweet vegan

On Saturday we went to the Swan Aid fundraising picnic, and as I knew I would be surrounded by a sea of meat-eaters (and D + Simon) I wanted to bake something delicious and sweet to bring, as well as an abbreviated version of our usual picnic fare of potato salad, hummous and fruit. A quick flip through My Sweet Vegan led me to the delicious sounding but oddly named black bottom blondies. I couldn't work out what the name meant, but I was intrigued enough to try baking them. Later, D pointed out they were 'blondies' as the opposite to 'brownies,' and it all made sense.

black bottom blondies

I made very few alterations to this recipe. As always I didn't really measure it very accurately, and I only approximately converted things - it called for 6 ounces of vanilla soy yoghurt, which I decided would be about half a cup of soy milk mixed through with three spoons of apple sauce. I also baked it for much longer, finding it required about 45 minutes (as opposed to the recommended 28-35), though that could just be my crazy oven.

These were delicious. They were really easy and they look impressive because of the colour shift, and I'll definitely be making them again.


  1. I second that comment--mmm!

  2. So much cooler than just one colour! These look great :)

  3. they do look fantastic - i really need to get a copy of this book - everyting i've seen from it has been great

  4. These blondies (and the book) are pretty great! Just have to cook them for long enough, but I recommend them to everyone!

  5. Wow, your picture of these looks sensational! You should put it up in the My Sweet Vegan group on flickr.

    I like your variation on the black-bottom blondies. I have made them a couple of times, and while they were really good, preferred them with the coconut yogurt, because the soy yogurt gave them too much tang. Your version is cheaper and sounds like a good flavor combo, I will try that next time around, thanks!

  6. Hey Alisa, I have put them in the My Sweet Vegan flickr group! Using coconut yoghurt sounds intriguing, if only such an option were available to me! My variation was a matter of necessity, but definitely a good one, I think! Let me know if you do like it better. :o)

  7. I have just gasped with longing at that photo! Wow!

  8. Hi Hippolyra! They're pretty tasty, and worth the gasp. :o)

  9. any chance i can get the recipe for the "Black Bottom Blondie"
