Wednesday, 19 November 2008

leda choculence

leda chocolate biscuits

I miss timtams something ridiculous. That chocolatey goodness, using them like a straw to drink up my milo drink, these were the things I used to love. Leda Choculence aren't as good as timtams, but they make a tasty substitute.

You can find them in the healthfood section at Coles/Woolies/IGA etc.


  1. Have you also tried Leda's version of mint Slices? Like the Tim Tams, they're not quite as good but close and I wouldn't say no!

  2. Love 'em. Love the mint slices more though. Like, in a kinda-glad-my-supermarket-doesn't-stock-em type way. Danger, danger!

  3. I love the mint slices! The first time I tried them I was so excited, I'd thought I was out for good re: mint slices, so that was excellent.

    I'm always a little bit disappointed when supermarkets don't stock them!

  4. I have open packets of both the Choculence and the Mint Slices in the fridge at work where I am currently on call. I try and resist, but far too often I cave. I am quite fond of them. They are just 4 metres away from me right now. Must. Show. Restraint.

  5. EAT ONE. Pretend it's dessert! :o)

  6. Thank you for telling me this!! I'm gonna head out to the shops NOW to buy a packet of mint slices for me! I miss them like crazy ... too bad the Leda's range are never on offer :(

  7. I have to be *sooo* careful with those... very tasty and through coffee...mmmmmmm... they tend to go quickly.

  8. As a Canadian in Vancouver, I am glad that my local Market Place IGAs now stock Arnott's Tim Tams in the original, dark chocolate, and caramel varieties.

  9. Stewart, when you say 'through coffee' do you mean straw-style?

    Cecilia, yeah, it's a shame but I'm glad we get them at all! :o)
